Courses Al-Bushra Quran

Quran & Arabic Academy For Kids Ands Adults

Learn Islamic Studies

This course will help you or your kids to learn various Islamic studies including but not limited to pillars of Islam, Fiqh, Aqidah, Tafsir Quran, Hadith, Dua (Supplication), Islamic Manners, and Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Our Islamic scholars can start with you from the basics of Quran and beliefs of Islam to advanced Quranic sciences and Islamic knowledge. Whether you are new revert to Islam or want to raise your children upon Islamic manners & teachings, this course is your key to achieve your goals.

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About The Course

Islamic Studies refers to studying Islam in-depth. All Islamic knowledge and courses are categorized as Islamic Studies. It covers many branches, ranging from Islamic History to Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Moreover, issues like Marriage, Divorce, and Relationships e.t.c, all are thoroughly discussed in the light of the Quran, the DO’s and DON’Ts are made clear, The basics of Islam, the pillars of Islam, the right way to offer Namaz, hajj, the importance of Zakat, and so on are also elaborated in Islamic studies.

Islamic Studies is essential to connect one to the basics of Islam. We may born Muslims, but little do we know about the religion we follow. We never really fully understand the religion our forefathers followed, and now we do, we are not even familiar with the basics. Do you recall your childhood’s Islamic Studies content? Now is the time to revisit it, and grasp more concepts with a better understanding.

Why Taking This Course

We, at Al Bushra Quran offer an “Islamic Studies” course for both kids and adults. Age-appropriate levels of the program are taught by our verified & certified Islamic scholars. Our qualified Islamic teachers will help you to understand Islam religion, get familiar with the important events and historical figures, and to learn about the sufferings of early Muslims and the evolution of Islam over the years.
During this course, you or your kids will get to know all the important things that we should know as Muslims. Being a Muslim, we should know our role model the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Therefore, all Muslims need to learn about Islam under courses like Islamic Studies.
Additionally, under Islamic History, you will learn about different events in history, the wars, and peace treaties. All the other details and contributors that would help us in today’s world to overcome the current problems.
Furthermore, all the issues that Islam addresses can also be learned under Islamic Studies. Basics like the pillars of Islam and Islam teachings about humanity can be learned. So, get yourself registered for the “Islamic Studies” course and discover the magnificence of the Islam.

What Will You Learn

  • How to perform ablution and prayer
  • The decencies of mosque entry and performance of the acts of worship
  • The five pillars of Islam
  • Divinity, monotheism, and creed
  • Qira’at and Sanad with professional male and female teachers from Al Azhar University.
  • Tafseer of Ibn Katheer and other Tafaseer (interpretation) of the Glorious Quran.
  • Hadith of Arba’een Nawawwi, Riadu Al Salheen and other famous books of Hadith.
  • Usul Al Fiqh and different schools (Madhahib) of Fiqh.
  • The Prophet’s life and the stories of the Quran and previous prophets.
  • Aqeedah Of Islam
  • Prophetic Tradition(Hadith) from the most famous books, i.e. the Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths
  • Meanings and connotations of the Holy Quran from the most renowned Quran interpretation books
  • Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Courses Review

Learn Islam Online (Islamic Studies) – Al Bushra Quran Trial

★★★★★ Learn various Islamic studies including but not limited to pillars of Islam, Fiqh, Aqidah, Tafsir, Hadith, Dua (Supplication), Islamic Manners.

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FAQs About Learning Quran Memorization (Hifz) with Tajweed

What is Hifz in Quran?

Linguistically, “Hifz” is an Arabic word “حِفْظ” which means “to keep”. In terms of the Quran, it means to memorize the Quranic verses and recite them from memory.
Once a Muslim completely memorizes the Quran, called Hafiz (for male) or Hafiza (for female). Hafiz linguistically means “guardian” or “memorizer” which is actually Arabic word (“حافظ”), adjective from “حِفْظ”.

What is Tajweed?

Linguistically, the word “Tajweed” means to enhance, to do better. In the context of the recitation of the Quran, tajwīd (Arabic: تَجْوِيدْ‎ tajwīd) is a set of rules for the correct pronunciation of the letters with all their qualities and applying the various traditional methods of recitation (Qira’at). In Arabic, the term tajwīd is derived from the triliteral root (j-w-d), meaning enhancement or to make something excellent. Technically, it means giving every letter its right in reciting the Qur’an.

In other words, Tajweed is a set of rules for proper pronunciation and recital of the Quran. It is meant to replicate the way the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) recited the Quran. Learning tajweed means learning how to pronounce the letters in the words correctly, which covers matters like when a consonant is silent or not and how long a vowel is kept.

How long will it take to memorize the Quran with Tajweed?

Although this matter varies completely depending on the student’s ability, IQ, commitment, and age, we can say that It takes an average of 1 hour to memories 1 page. Quran pages are 20*30 = 600 pages. Therefore, one needs 600 hours to memorize it.

What is the cost of learning Quran Memorization online?

You can learn Quran memorization with Tajweed online at Aya Institute starting from 30$ per month which grants you 4 Hours per Month, 1 Hour per Week, and One/Two Days per Week.

What are the benefits of memorizing the Quran?

Memorizing/Hifz Quran involves so many benefits, such as:

  1. Learning Quran Memorization gives one the ability to understand the creation and the natural miracles that exist in it because there are many physical aspects mentioned in the Quran and explained in the verses.
  2. Memorizing the Quran reinforces the mind. People who remember the Quran can remember and recover other knowledge more than people who do not memorize or learn the Quran.
  3. This Quran, which you memorize and keep today, will be your companion at the dying moment!! It will be your defender and your intercessor at the time you are abandoned by the nearest people.
  4. Everyone who continues reading and memorizing the Quran, it changes his life boldly and gets the protection of the Great Quran physical or moral.

How to memorize Quran?

You can learn Quran memorization with Tajweed fast & easy at  Al Bushra Quran through one-to-one online Quran memorization with tajweed classes with the best native Quran teachers via the internet. Our teachers will not only help you with Quran memorization but also reciting Quran applying tajweed rules and interpretation of Quranic verses to memorize with understanding. It makes the memorization process much better.

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